
Register on our site by filling in your Name, IC / MYKID Number, Mobile Number, School / IPT / Home Address, Email Address, State, Category, Gender, Age, Platform, Link Video and Total Jumps.

It is free of charge.

To change your personal details, please inform us at jumpforjoyAeon@gmail.com

About The Single Rope Speed Jump

Jump for joy is an initiative to promote the importance of good lifestyle through jump rope activities.

The preliminary period are from 1 July to 6 August 2023. In other words, you can jump anywhere, anytime within this period and submit the proof of your jump to us via social media platform.

  1. Post your 1 minute jump rope video on your social media (Facebook / Instagram / Tik Tol / Youtube Channel). Copy the posting link and submit the link through the registration form. Make sure your account is set to public.
  2. Send your video to our Telegram account. The video file name MUST be named as participant’s full name (as per IC/Passport).

Entitlements and Prizes

Upon completion of the challenges, the organizer will email the e-Certificate to you after 31th August 2023. From there, you will be able to download and print it.

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Jump For Joy cade de especialidad atc
Jump For Joy zig zag hi
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Jump For Joy